Join us for the 10th Annual Timmy Belcher Memorial Rainbow Kidz Ride & Run!! This event includes a 5K, 10K and 1 mile fun run and 10mi/35mi/60mi/100mi cycling routes for cycling enthusiasts. 5K and 10K are professionally timed on a fully supported route. All cycling events are timed for personal benchmark only. All routes begin and end at Broad Street United Methodist Church in Statesville. Event Schedule: May 1 - Packet Pick-Up- 5-7 p.m. at Broad Street United Methodist Church - 315 W Broad St, Statesville, NC 28677 May 2 - Race Day 6:30 am- Check-In & Day of Registration Begins 8:00 am- All Riders Depart 8:15 am- All Runners Depart 10:00 am- Fun Run Award presentation for Runners will be timed accordingly as the winning runners cross the finish line. Cyclist enthusiast can choose from a 10/35/60 mile bike ride and enjoy a scenic ride through North Iredell County. Cyclist will "Ride & Seek" picking up tickets at rest stops to be added to the pot to win a prize pack valued at $250! The longer the distance you ride, the more tickets you will receive! Runners/Walkers can choose a 10K or 5K route. All rides and the 10K and 5K are professionally timed, with real time results uploaded as you cross the finish line! All proceeds will support Rainbow Kidz, a pediatric program of Hospice & Palliative Care of Iredell County. Rainbow Kidz supports patients and families who are dealing with a life limiting illness or have experienced the loss of a loved one. The fastest growing portion of this program is the Grief Groups offered in our local schools. This past year alone, we served more than 500 children in 35 schools throughout Iredell County. More than 50% were suffering the loss of a parent. The fine print: **Rain or Shine Event** **10K Runners much complete their run in 1 hour, 30 minutes.** **60 mile cyclist must complete their ride in 5 hours** **Riders and Runners who exceed the limited time will be offered a ride back to the starting line. If they choose to complete the route, it will be at their own risk and without Ride & Run Support.**
Date and Time
Saturday May 2, 2020
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
May 2, 2020 Registration starting at 6:00 am Race starting at 8:00 am
Broad St United Methodist Church 315 W Broad St, Statesville, NC 28677
$25 for Runners $50 for Cyclist
Contact Information
Amy Fuhrman
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