One of the major challenges at work today is dealing with different behavior styles in the workplace. Personality conflicts are inevitable, painful, unproductive, and often ruin an effective work environment. Through this fun and highly interactive program, participants learn about their own behavior style and the behavior style of others. By understanding the behavior style of yourself and others, you will learn about the approach and environment others require for maximum productivity and teamwork. The most effective people are those who know the behavioral style of themselves and others and adapt strategies to meet those needs. Participants will complete the DiSC© Profile. The Personal DiSC© Profile is not a test. There is no pass or fail or a ‘best’ behavioral profile. The Personal DiSC© Profile enables you to: Identify your behavioral profile Increase your appreciation of different profiles Capitalize on your behavioral strengths Based on the behavioral styles of others, anticipate and minimize potential conflicts with others
Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 8, 2019
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
10/8/2019 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Charles Mack Citizen Center
Contact Information
Teresa Crook
The Employers Association
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