About Us
First off, I need to be clear. CarolinaPEO is not a PEO. We are technically a referral source, but in our industry we are referred to as a PEO Brokerage. What this means is that we help clients and agents find the right PEO for their specific needs.
Companies use PEO’s to relieve themselves of much of the administrative hurdles of having employees… it is for similar reasons that clients use us to help them find a PEO. It’s easier and saves them time and money.
The PEO industry is vast and varied. There are hundreds of PEO’s across the country, and one that is good for one company may not be a good fit for the one across the street. Add to it that most PEO’s don’t really advertise much and a business owner would be hard pressed to go through the process of shopping for a PEO with much confidence that they’re getting a good fit.
Serving our clients for over 20 years, we know the industry and the players. We have professional relationships with all the top PEO’s and know how to streamline the process saving you time and money.
We’ve already negotiated our compensation with the PEO’s, so the best part is, although they pay us, we work for you… and if we can’t help you we don’t get paid, so it’s in our best interest to work our pants off to not waste your time and find you the best fit.
That said, if a PEO isn’t a good fit for you, we will tell you… we know things change. We’ve had clients that we had to quote year after year before the timing was right.