About Us
Centre Church has been here for a while, over 250 years as a matter of fact. That means we've seen pretty much everything by now. One thing we know for sure, we are far from a perfect church. We've been through good times and bad times. We've had seasons of revival and times where things looked bleak. But through it all we've consistently seen God working in our midst, and teaching us what the church is supposed to be about.
When any church is healthy and running well it is perhaps the most glorious thing on earth, but when things go wrong it can be extremely painful, it can be divisive, it can leave wounds that are hard to recover from, and it can give the rest of the world wrong ideas about Jesus and his followers. In scripture we see that the church is not a building or an event, but a people who find life through the truth of God’s word. Who live in a community built around authentic relationships and real connection. It is a people who welcome others, and invite them to come as they are. The Church is meant to be a place to bring your questions, engage with your doubts, and find the soul-satisfying answers we are all seeking.
Of course, we realize the church is also a part of the real world: a world full of selfishness, misunderstanding, and conflict. That means for the church to be its best we must pursue not only spiritual health, but emotional health. We must learn how to work through conflict and reconcile with one another. We must form deep connections that can withstand the ups and downs of life together. Real relationships take work!